Alternative Name
Moluccan King-Parrot, Amboinia Green-winged King Parrot
Scientific Name: Alisterus amboinensis amboinensis
Basic Info
At 14 inches or 35 centimeters, the Amboina King Parrot is one of the larger breeds of Parrots kept by aficionados. They are primarily red, with bright green wings, bright blue backs, rumps, tail coverts and wing coverts. The top of the tail is usually black with vibrant blue highlights. Their underside is dark gray or black with pink markings on the margins and their feet are gray.
Found primarily in humid forests, the Amboina King Parrot is most comfortable where the climate is quite warm and damp.
The Amboina King Parrot is also known as the Moluccan King-Parrot and the Amboina Green-Winged King Parrot. They are one of the larger parrots known to humans.
They are physically and sexually mature at twelve months of age. They are relatively quiet parrots with some mimicking ability.
The Amboina King Parrot is primarily found on the islands of Moluccas and New Guinea and fall under the domain of Indonesian government. Predation and loss of habitat have lowered the population of the Amboina King Parrot drastically, and they are now "near-threatened" in conservation status.
Common Foods